Thursday, December 18, 2008

An update a long time coming...

Wow - is it true that it has been 6 months since I've last posted? Really? How does one summarize 6 months of one's life, especially when this is what has been joyously monopolizing every second of every day for 5 1/2 of those 6 months:

Yes, the 3rd P has turned my life upside down, inside out and, at the same time, on the straightest path to "this is exactly what I have always wanted in life" I have ever known.

Kate Hannah was born on July 4, 2008 and my life will never, ever be the same. In the most ridiculously sappy of ways. I love this kid with every fiber of my being and, when I say love, it is like no love I have ever experienced before in my life. I love chocolate, I love coffee, even sleeping, eating, and laughing. I know I've also said that I love my dog, too, but all of those loves don't even enter into the same stratosphere as the love I first felt at 3:58am on July 4. And I felt that love after looking down and only seeing her mayonnaise-paste covered head. Just imagine how my heart grew when I actually got to look her in the eyes!

Life is good. I am in serious, serious need of a good night's sleep (I did say I loved sleep, remember), and could certainly benefit from a brow wax, good facial and haircut, but all I have to do is look at that little face (even a photo suffices) and I couldn't care less about anything else.

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