Monday, April 14, 2008

Offically 3rd Trimester

This past weekend I "officially" became a 3rd trimester mom-to-be. I can't begin to describe how thrilled this makes me. While it's true that I haven't had a difficult pregnancy (yet... knock on wood), there is a lot of fear and uncertainty that comes with the excitement and anticipation of pregnancy. So with each milestone, I breathe a sigh of relief.

But for all of the fear and uncertainty, I love being pregnant. I adore it every second of every day. True, there are some inconveniences associated with being knocked up: I can't drink alcohol, I am forced to side sleeping, I have heartburn, etc., but these are all incredibly minor things that I am more than happy to "suffer" through for all the joys that come with being pregnant. And I truly do not mind that I'm getting fatter with each passing second. I am approaching whale status and couldn't care less.

I am sure that I will look back on this next statement sometime over the next three months and cringe, laugh or tell myself I was a naive fool, but I really wouldn't mind being pregnant forever. That is how much I love being pregnant.

Funny story: This past Saturday, I stopped by Safeway to buy a 6-pack of O'Douls. Fake beer. I am a mid-30s, married, 6+ months pregnant lady, and it was 90 degrees outside. I get to the check out line and am asked for my ID. "You do realize this is non-alcoholic beer," I say. "I don't care, the computer is asking for your ID," she says. Um, okay, as I happily hand over my driver's license. I was clearly born long before this young thang, and she immediately realized it the second she looked at my birth date. "Uh, thank you, Mrs. P. Have a good day," she says sheepishly as she hands me back my ID. And I happily float/waddle/sloth my way out of the store.

But I suppose it's a bit of a compliment to be mistaken for Juno when you're in your mid-30s, married, 6+ months pregnant and it's 90 degrees outside. I haven't been carded in about 5 years, and let me tell you that I looked about 10 years younger then than I do now.

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